What: One of the great livery companies of the City of London, involved in trade and commerce.
Who: The Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors
When: Established in the 14th century but prominent in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Details: The Merchant Taylors' Company was heavily involved in the transatlantic trade, including the trade of enslaved Africans. The company financed voyages and
trading ventures that included the acquisition and transport of enslaved people.
They played a significant role in the economic systems that depended on slavery.
Why and How It Was Racist: The company's involvement in the slave trade was
driven by economic interests that disregarded the humanity of Black individuals. By participating in and profiting from the transatlantic slave trade, the Merchant Taylors' Company helped sustain and legitimize the racial hierarchies that underpin slavery.
Sources: HistoryoftheMerchantTaylors'Company