What: Forced sterilization of Black women in the United States under the guise of medical treatment.
When: 1920s-1980s
Where: Southern United States.
Details: Black women were often sterilized without their knowledge or consent
during routine medical procedures, which became known as the "Mississippi appendectomy." These procedures were part of a broader eugenics movement aimed at controlling the Black population.
Why and How It Was Racist: This practice was rooted in eugenics and racial prejudice, aiming to reduce the Black population through coercive and deceptive medical practices.
Sources: https://obgyn.wustl.edu/black-history-month-week-2-fannie-lou-hamer/ o NationalWomen'sLawCenter
https://academic.oup.com/book/11417/chapter- abstract/160091333?redirectedFrom=fulltext
https://blackwomenintheblackfreedomstruggle.voices.wooster.edu/2019/0 5/01/what-the-mississippi-appendectomy-says-about-the-regard-of-the- state-towards-the-agency-of-black-womens-bodies/