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A Mechanical Inventor​

San Francisco, California

Richard Bowie Spikes worded as a mechanic, a saloon keeper, and a barber; jobs which influenced many of his inventions. Spikes patented a beer-tapper which is still used today. After moving to California, Spikes had at least 8 more inventions. Spikes invented a "trolley pole arrester" as well as a pantograph to convey electrical current to trolley wires. He was also busy making improvements to car mechanics; Spikes invented a break testing machine, a device to test tank liquids, improved the gear shift transmission system; and an automatic brake safety system. While the patent record has not been found, Spikes is widely credited with patenting the turn signal in the early 1910s.​


Johns Hopkins University
2800 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218



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