Year: 1870
Who: Dr. Thomas Elkins (1818-1900)
Where: Albany, NY
What: Dr. Thomas Elkins was a pioneering engineer, inventor, and abolitionist whose innovations and contributions bridged medicine, household technology, and social reform. Born in 1818 in New York State, Elkins studied surgery and dentistry, later establishing himself as a pharmacist and district physician in Albany. Beyond his medical practice, he was an inventive genius, securing patents for practical, multifunctional designs that addressed diverse needs of his time.
One of Elkins’ most notable patents, approved in 1870, was a versatile table that served as a dining surface, ironing board, and quilting frame. In 1872, he patented an improved “chamber-commode,” which ingeniously combined a bureau, mirror, bookshelf, washstand, table, easy-chair, and chamber-stool into a single piece of furniture. These designs exemplified his ability to merge functionality and efficiency, setting a standard for innovation in household engineering.
Perhaps his most significant invention was a refrigeration apparatus patented in 1879. Designed to preserve perishable items like food and human corpses, the device used a system of chilled water circulating through metallic coils to maintain low temperatures. This innovation addressed pressing challenges of the 19th century, particularly in urban areas, earning Elkins the New York Agriculture Society’s “highest merit” award in 1880.
In addition to his engineering feats, Elkins served as the medical examiner for the 54th and 55th Massachusetts regiments during the Civil War and as secretary of Albany’s Vigilance Committee, aiding enslaved individuals seeking freedom. Elkins’ interdisciplinary achievements in medicine and engineering, combined with his commitment to social justice, underscore his legacy as a trailblazing inventor and advocate for progress. He died in 1900 at the age of 82, leaving a lasting impact on multiple fields.
BlackPast. (n.d.). Thomas Elkins (1818-1900). https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/elkins-thomas-1818-1900/#:~:text=Thomas%20Elkins%20played%20a%20significant,latter%20part%20of%20his%20life
Google Patents. (n.d.). Patent US100020A - Dining, Ironing Table and Refrigerated Storage Chamber by Thomas Elkins. https://patents.google.com/patent/US100020A/en?q=(Thomas+Elkins)&oq=Thomas+Elkins&sort=old
My Black History. (n.d.). Thomas Elkins. https://www.myblackhistory.net/Thomas_Elkins.htm
Elkins: Early African American Doctor (PDF). The Freedom Seeker, IV, Fall 2007. https://undergroundrailroadhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Freedom-Seeker-IV-3.pdf
Johns Hopkins Gazette. (1998). Thomas Elkins: Obituary. https://pages.jh.edu/gazette/julsep98/aug1798/17obit.html