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The Royal African Company 

The Royal Society's endorsement of racial science provided intellectual legitimacy to racist ideologies and practices.

The Royal African Company 

What: The Royal Society is one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific institutions in the world. 

When: Established in 1660. 

Details: Although the Royal Society played a crucial role in the advancement of science, it was also complicit in the racist ideologies of its time. The Society endorsed and supported scientific studies that promoted the idea of racial hierarchies and justified the enslavement and colonization of non-European peoples. Notable members, such as Hans Sloane, were involved in the Atlantic slave trade and conducted studies on the supposed inferiority of Black people. 

Why and How It Was Racist: The Royal Society's endorsement of racial science provided intellectual legitimacy to racist ideologies and practices. By supporting and publishing pseudoscientific studies on race, the Society reinforced the belief in white superiority. 


Books: Young, R. M. (1987). Racist society, racist science. Anti-racist science teaching, 16-42. 

Journal Articles:
Govier, M. (1999). The Royal Society, slavery and the island of Jamaica: 1660-1700. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 53(2), 203-217.

 Modern slavery statement: Royal Society. The Royal Society. (2024, July 29).


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