Dr. Thomas Hamilton's Experiments on John Brown
The American Colonization Society was founded with the mission of relocating free Black people from the United States to Africa, specifically Liberia.

What: An organization established to promote the migration of free African Americans to Africa.
When: Founded in 1816.
Details: The American Colonization Society was founded with the mission of relocating free Black people from the United States to Africa, specifically Liberia. The society's founders included prominent politicians and slaveholders who saw colonization as a solution to the "problem" of free Blacks in America. The ACS framed its mission as a benevolent effort to provide a "better" home for free African Americans, but it was also a way to remove Black individuals from American society and mitigate the perceived threat they posed to the institution of slavery.
Why and How It Was Racist: The ACS operated on the racist assumption that Black people could not coexist with whites in America and that they were inherently inferior and should be segregated. This organization aimed to solve what its members saw as the "problem" of free Blacks in the U.S. by removing them rather than integrating them as equal citizens.
American Colonization Society Collection (prints and photographs reading room, library of Congress). American Colonization Society Collection. (n.d.). https://www.loc.gov/rr/print/coll/007-b.html
Guyatt, N. (2017, January 2). The American Colonization Society: 200 years of the “colonizing trick.” AAIHS. https://www.aaihs.org/the-american-colonization-society-200-years-of-the-colonizing-trick/
Public Broadcasting Service. (n.d.). Africans in America/part 3/american colonization society. PBS. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part3/3p1521.html